Where Do You Feel Baby Kicks During Pregnancy?

Where Do You Feel Baby Kicks During Pregnancy?

One of the most exciting parts of pregnancy is feeling all those baby kicks. While they can help you feel connected to your baby, as they get stronger if they

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Preeclampsia and Eclampsia

Preeclampsia and Eclampsia

Preeclampsia is new high blood pressure or worsening of existing high blood pressure that is accompanied by excess protein in the urine and that develops after the 20th week of pregnancy. Eclampsia is

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Mapigo ya Moyo kwenda Mbio Katika Kipindi cha Ujauzito!

Mapigo ya Moyo kwenda Mbio Katika Kipindi cha Ujauzito!

Mapigo ya Moyo kwenda katika kipindi cha Ujauzito ni hali ya kawaida,Tafiti zinaonesha kwamba 60% na zaidi ya Wajawazito hupata Dalili hii ktk kipindi chote cha Ujauzito.Kwa kawaida Mapigo ya

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Striae distensae are a common form of dermal scarring that appear on the skin as erythematous or hypopigmented linear striations. Synonyms include the terms striae, stretch marks, and striae atrophicans.

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When does Pregnant woman should feel fetal kicks inside the womb?

When does Pregnant woman should feel fetal kicks inside the womb?

Pregnant women can feel fetal kicks in the womb at different gestational ages depending on the pregnant mother and it is individualized. 1. A Pregnant Woman who has never given

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High blood pressure in pregnancy

High blood pressure in pregnancy

Having hypertension during pregnancy requires close monitoring. Here is what you need to know. What are the types of high blood pressure during pregnancy? Sometimes high blood pressure is present

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